I never thought my part time job would cause such a problem. I like the outfit so much I usually keep on most it when at home. Seems my jealous boyfriend thinks different and decides to question me as to what exactly goes on there. He knows the easiest way to get me to talk is with some tickling but after awhile, he tires of my pleading to stop and decides to gag me.
Well at least that is over. Oh great, I guess he is not finished with the tickling. Note to self, change before coming home.
I never thought my part time job would cause such a problem. I like the outfit so much I usually keep on most it when at home. Seems my jealous boyfriend thinks different and decides to question me as to what exactly goes on there. He knows the easiest way to get me to talk is with some tickling but after awhile, he tires of my pleading to stop and decides to gag me.
Well at least that is over. Oh great, I guess he is not finished with the tickling. Note to self, change before coming home.