This part time job really took a wrong turn. Our poor Kira Dee falls prey to a group who seem to make a living shipping unenthusiastic victims to parts unknown.They have some very specific ideas for Kiras transport which include rope, duct tape and pantyhose encasement.To think, all she wanted was a few cash tips since the super heroine and detective jobs a bit slow these days. Ironic, all these jobs seem to find Kira constantly bound and gagged either way.As the van waits, she wonders if that would look good on her resume?
This part time job really took a wrong turn. Our poor Kira Dee falls prey to a group who seem to make a living shipping unenthusiastic victims to parts unknown.They have some very specific ideas for Kiras transport which include rope, duct tape and pantyhose encasement.To think, all she wanted was a few cash tips since the super heroine and detective jobs a bit slow these days. Ironic, all these jobs seem to find Kira constantly bound and gagged either way.As the van waits, she wonders if that would look good on her resume?