was about 3 years in the making before DFW Knight and I finally got together to
film, but it was worth the wait!. We met at an upscale hotel in Atlanta to
capture our hot sexual on film. I
didn't realize just how well-endowed he was until I unzipped him pants.
WHOA! :) I immediately felt my pussy get wet and start
throbbing at the idea of sucking his thick cock, and then feeling it slide deep
inside my pussy. I knew that the second he started pounding my pussy I was going
to squirt nonstop - and that I did!
was a huge turn on as we kissed and explored ea...
was about 3 years in the making before DFW Knight and I finally got together to
film, but it was worth the wait!. We met at an upscale hotel in Atlanta to
capture our hot sexual on film. I
didn't realize just how well-endowed he was until I unzipped him pants.
WHOA! :) I immediately felt my pussy get wet and start
throbbing at the idea of sucking his thick cock, and then feeling it slide deep
inside my pussy. I knew that the second he started pounding my pussy I was going
to squirt nonstop - and that I did!
was a huge turn on as we kissed and explored each other's bodies for the first
time. I loved sucking his cock as
much as he loved sucking on my huge nipples and licking my dripping wet pussy.
Once he starting fucking my pussy deep and hard I got really vocal. The slut in
me loved the feel of his cock pounding my wet hole as my pussy juices showered
us both with every thrust as he fucked me deeper and harder, making me orgasm
and cum over and over. We were just getting warmed up for lots of intense
fucking to cum! Check out Part 2 to watch the action continue!
Here to watch the
FREE HD Sneak Peak Preview of this video!
Kay Kummingz
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