You probably thought that being to wear bedwetter diapers by Becky was the most embarrassing thing that could ever happen to you... Until today! Becky happened to invite her friend Tiffani to come over right around the time Becky changes your peepee pampies! Uh oh! Before you can run away and hide, Tiffani walks into your room to see you squirming around on your little changing pad wearing nothing but your soaking wet diaper! Tiffani can't believe what a big baybee you are! After she gets done giggling at you and snapping 'pamper pics' of you, Tiffani wants to watch Becky change you. Becky ign...
You probably thought that being to wear bedwetter diapers by Becky was the most embarrassing thing that could ever happen to you... Until today! Becky happened to invite her friend Tiffani to come over right around the time Becky changes your peepee pampies! Uh oh! Before you can run away and hide, Tiffani walks into your room to see you squirming around on your little changing pad wearing nothing but your soaking wet diaper! Tiffani can't believe what a big baybee you are! After she gets done giggling at you and snapping 'pamper pics' of you, Tiffani wants to watch Becky change you. Becky ign...