For centuries, a superhuman scourge has plagued the Earth known as the Wrath. An evil order of anarchists hell bent on laying to society's harmony and installing disorder, chaos and an evil reign. One thing has stood between them and the world's total destruction - the league of the Blue Swallow. A society of highly trained warriors, chosen at birth by the Swallow Syndicate, they scour the planet for Wrath's legions of evil doers and take them out with extreme prejudice, restoring peace and order and squashing the dark uprisings. Enter the Blue Swallow, the last of her kind in present day, sea...
For centuries, a superhuman scourge has plagued the Earth known as the Wrath. An evil order of anarchists hell bent on laying to society's harmony and installing disorder, chaos and an evil reign. One thing has stood between them and the world's total destruction - the league of the Blue Swallow. A society of highly trained warriors, chosen at birth by the Swallow Syndicate, they scour the planet for Wrath's legions of evil doers and take them out with extreme prejudice, restoring peace and order and squashing the dark uprisings. Enter the Blue Swallow, the last of her kind in present day, sea...