For centuries, a superhuman scourge has plagued the Earth known as the Wrath. An evil order of anarchists hell bent on laying to society's harmony and installing disorder, chaos and an evil reign. One thing has stood between them and the world's total destruction - the league of the Blue Swallow. A society of highly trained warriors, chosen at birth by the Swallow Syndicate, they scour the planet for Wrath's legions of evil doers and take them out with extreme prejudice, restoring peace and order and squashing the dark uprisings. Enter the Blue Swallow, the last of her kind in present day, sea...
For centuries, a superhuman scourge has plagued the Earth known as the Wrath. An evil order of anarchists hell bent on laying to society's harmony and installing disorder, chaos and an evil reign. One thing has stood between them and the world's total destruction - the league of the Blue Swallow. A society of highly trained warriors, chosen at birth by the Swallow Syndicate, they scour the planet for Wrath's legions of evil doers and take them out with extreme prejudice, restoring peace and order and squashing the dark uprisings. Enter the Blue Swallow, the last of her kind in present day, searching for a reputed splinter cell of the Wrath in the remote hills of Appalachia, USA. She plies through the thick wooded land, tracing their dark energy until encountering the supernatural beasts who surprise attack her. With her razor sharp swords and blades, she takes them out one by one seemingly winning the battle until she is overwhelmed by an unknown and intensely powered invisible weapon which painfully subdues her. The Blue Swallow writhes in agony on the sandy ground, convulsing and squirming in agony - crawling through the dirt and mire to try and escape but she cannot - she is knocked and brought to a secluded underground chamber. She awakes on the ground of the chamber, searching for her weapons which have been removed. The Wrath's warriors appear and she attacks with fury but they vanish before she can connect with her lightning strikes. Still weakened, she is attacked from behind and despite her valiant effort to fight the beast off, she is no match - crushed in its grasp and beaten to a furious pulp. She awakes on a table, spread eagle and bound as the Wrath enters and slides its hands up her silky, skin tight blue uniform, cupping her breasts and nether regions as she moans in displeasure. Her breasts are crushed in its powerful claws and her genitals are massaged, squeezed and before the beast unmasks and begins licking her pussy. Blue Swallow's body betrays her, her juices flow from her vagina, soaking through her body suit. She is being
defiled as cameras roll to show the people of Earth what is being done
to their champion. The Wrath produces a vibrating shaft and jams it
into her pussy. Her juices continue to soak through her suit as she is
worked into a convulsing orgasm against her will. Defeated, defiled, humiliated and helpless she can do nothing as her enemy mocks her and explains her fate while sticking his thumb into her soaking wet vagina. The Blue Swallow is savagely and heinously dispatched.
High End Production Value - New Movie. Plot driven, outdoor shoots, live action combat, knockouts, bondage, fondling, pussy squeezing, boob squeezing, vibrators, orgasms, wet spots, more.