In a shocking twist, crime fighting tandem, Spidergirl and the Black Phantom investigate the disappearance of their friend, Wonder Girl. They close on the last known sighting of Wonder Girl. The sexy superheroine was trying to solve the case of the Senator, when she was knocked out,,, and repeatedly by the Black Dragon. The Dragon, used her to lure Spidergirl and Black Phantom and trap them. Once they arrived, the Dragon showed them footage of the captive Wonder Girl being masturbated repeatedly and made to cum in her suit and he would destroy her if Spidergirl and Black Phantom didn't face of...
In a shocking twist, crime fighting tandem, Spidergirl and the Black Phantom investigate the disappearance of their friend, Wonder Girl. They close on the last known sighting of Wonder Girl. The sexy superheroine was trying to solve the case of the Senator, when she was knocked out,,, and repeatedly by the Black Dragon. The Dragon, used her to lure Spidergirl and Black Phantom and trap them. Once they arrived, the Dragon showed them footage of the captive Wonder Girl being masturbated repeatedly and made to cum in her suit and he would destroy her if Spidergirl and Black Phantom didn't face of...