Enter She Wolf - an extremely powerful and uncaged costumed vigilante superheroine - who operates under her own set of rules. Formerly a police officer who was bitten by werewolf - She Wolf was partially cured by the department's science team. But, she maintained the strength, speed, stamina and power of the werewolf as well as the agression. When she was fired by the for being to aggressive in her police work, many a criminal without affording them the opportunity of a trial, she adopted the moniker of She Wolf - creating a costume to hide her secret identity and using her super powers to con...
Enter She Wolf - an extremely powerful and uncaged costumed vigilante superheroine - who operates under her own set of rules. Formerly a police officer who was bitten by werewolf - She Wolf was partially cured by the department's science team. But, she maintained the strength, speed, stamina and power of the werewolf as well as the agression. When she was fired by the for being to aggressive in her police work, many a criminal without affording them the opportunity of a trial, she adopted the moniker of She Wolf - creating a costume to hide her secret identity and using her super powers to continue her fight against evil.
This time, it was the Black Dragon she had her sights on as she suits up into her skin tight, She Wolf costume, and infiltrates their lair - viciously destroying the Dragon's henchmen by tearing them apart, limb from limb. But, the Draon's neurolizer subdues her and she is rendered weak and helpless as the Dragon's side kick enters to finish her off, beating her mercilessly with punch after punch, vicious bear hugs and knocking her down - letting the Dragon's neurolizer finish her. She writhes in agony, trying desperately to fight back. Can she prevail? This is a hot new live action movie with great storyline, intense action and sexy character.
The viciously powerful superheroine, She Wolf, has been captured and awakes face down, straddling a giant beam, bound and unable to break free. The Dragon's henchman enters and at the orders of his boss, produces a neurolizer anal probe, and shovess it into the superheroines asshole. The anal probe illuminates as it enters her rectum, draining her of her super powers as she is endures the brutally painful of having her super strength sucked out of her asshole. She screams in agony, as the probe presses deeper insider her searing her with incredible pain. The monster pulls her suit, humiliating her further, wedgying it up inside her, and then installing a beam between her legs and pulling her legs, slamming her crotch into the pole. It seems it's as though she's being split in two as he pulls her body backwards, jamming the pole harder and harder into her crotch. Then he removes the pole and pulls aside her uniform, sinking his hand inside her - again at the behest of his boss, inspecting her pussy and ass to see how wet the process got her. He then is ordered to sniff her ass to inspect her scent and the villain burries his face into her asshole, licking and sniffing the superheroine's backside as she moans in disgust. He then produces the neurolizer again and the ensues in this unbelievably graphic, diabolical and perverted demise of a superheroine. Super hot ending to the fabled She Wolf.