In the distant future, a half human half cybernetic warrior for Freedom travels through space to seek out an evil entity devouring peaceful worlds. Her ship is boarded by the alien but she takes him out with her amazing weaponry and skill, or atleast she though. The alien reanimates and attacks her, crushing her with bear hugs, humiliating her with wedgies and beating her senseless. She awakens strapped to a bizarre device - a gigantic vibrating metal shaft which she is straddling. The shaft is turned on and begins vibrating her pussy, throttling her clit and bringing the sexy cyborg to orgasm...
In the distant future, a half human half cybernetic warrior for Freedom travels through space to seek out an evil entity devouring peaceful worlds. Her ship is boarded by the alien but she takes him out with her amazing weaponry and skill, or atleast she though. The alien reanimates and attacks her, crushing her with bear hugs, humiliating her with wedgies and beating her senseless. She awakens strapped to a bizarre device - a gigantic vibrating metal shaft which she is straddling. The shaft is turned on and begins vibrating her pussy, throttling her clit and bringing the sexy cyborg to orgasm...