What are you staring at? You staring at my cock? What are you gay or something? Is that why you can't take your eyes off of my strap-on?. Do you like staring at my cock? What's wrong with you? Well if you're going to stare at it you're going to pull your own cock out. Take your pants off and show me what my cock does for you. Because I can tell just by the way you're looking at my cock that you're a .
Get down on on your fucking knees. That's a good faggot. Just give it a little taste. Open that mouth and give my cock a lick. Just one lick before I ram the whole thing down your pathetic...
What are you staring at? You staring at my cock? What are you gay or something? Is that why you can't take your eyes off of my strap-on?. Do you like staring at my cock? What's wrong with you? Well if you're going to stare at it you're going to pull your own cock out. Take your pants off and show me what my cock does for you. Because I can tell just by the way you're looking at my cock that you're a .
Get down on on your fucking knees. That's a good faggot. Just give it a little taste. Open that mouth and give my cock a lick. Just one lick before I ram the whole thing down your pathetic...