You're a little hand humper, aren't you? A chronic masturbating hand humper. I'm going to show you how I want you to hump your hand for me, loser. Hump it just like this, you dirty pervert. You love humping your hand, don't you? You little humper. Hump, hump, hump. It feels so good, doesn't it? It feels so good to hump your hand. You nasty pervert. It's all you think about. All you think about is jerking off. Hump it for me like this, your dirty, naughty hand humper. You can't get enough, it just feels so fucking good. Rub your cock, you're addicted to it. Addicted t...
Chastity Lynn!
You're a little hand humper, aren't you? A chronic masturbating hand humper. I'm going to show you how I want you to hump your hand for me, loser. Hump it just like this, you dirty pervert. You love humping your hand, don't you? You little humper. Hump, hump, hump. It feels so good, doesn't it? It feels so good to hump your hand. You nasty pervert. It's all you think about. All you think about is jerking off. Hump it for me like this, your dirty, naughty hand humper. You can't get enough, it just feels so fucking good. Rub your cock, you're addicted to it. Addicted to porn, addicted to jerking off, addicted to humping your hand.
You silly pervert. Does seeing me topless turn you on? My nice tits, my rock hard body. My perfect, round ass. It's so perky, isn't it? Does it make you want to hump your hand? It does, doesn't it you dirty fucking hand humping perv. Hump it, hump that hand. Hump it for me. My sexy body turns on you on so much you just can't stop humping it to me because you're a dirty hand humping pervert. Just stare at my ass and hump your hand, gooner. You just wanna hump and hump and hump.
It feels so good to hump, doesn't it? You love being a naughty chronic masturbator. You love jerking that cock for me, don't you? Hump it cause it feels so fucking good. You dirty pervert! I'll bet you're humping your hand right now, aren't you? Just like this. Hump it to my tight, young pussy, you chronic fucking masturbator. Guys like you are so fucking pathetic. Do you know why? It's because you're controlled by your dick. That cock controls you. Jerking is all you think about, all you care about. All you want to do is hump your hand over and over and over again, you dirty fucking wanker.
I like driving you wild like this. I like turning you on with my perfect body. I love being a cock tease. And I like making you hump. Hump that hand for me. It feels so good to hump it for me, you dirty chronic masturbator. You can't stop humping it. Hump it faster. You're my hand humping addict. You don't want to ever stop. Every day after work you run to your computer screen so that you can hump some more. You can't stop humping. And why would you want to stop when it feels so good. Jerking off to porn feels so good. It's better than sex. Being a chronic hand humper is better than sex, it is your sex. You're an addict. You're addicted to porn, addicted to humping your hand. You can't get enough. All you want to is to hump and hump and hump.
Jerk that dick, you chronic fucking masturbator. You're a loser, aren't you? A cock humping loser. Don't resist your urges, just hump your hand. Hump it constantly. Hump it every chance you get. It feels so good to be a mindless hand humper. Go deeper into your hand humping addiction. Lose your mind and just hump. All you want to do is worship hot brats on the internet while you hump your hand. I know that you're addicted to humping, that you can't stop. that it's all you want to do. How many countless hours have you waisted, humping your hand? You don't care, you just want more, you dirty fucking pervert. Don't stop. Keep humping you dirty, nasty hand humper.