You have been a very bad boy. Loose. And we need you to tighten up. Do you understand? I don't think you do but I'll make you understand. Because if you understood, then there wouldn't be all of this nonsense going on. Am I right? If you don't tighten up, I'm going to out you, I'm going to ruin you. I'm going to make you lose your job. I'm going to put you in the poor house. Say goodbye to that house, that car, your whole life. You'll be fucked. And it's going to be so much worse than you could ever imagine. I have so many more names than you realize. Contacts, sites, p...
Mandy Marx!
You have been a very bad boy. Loose. And we need you to tighten up. Do you understand? I don't think you do but I'll make you understand. Because if you understood, then there wouldn't be all of this nonsense going on. Am I right? If you don't tighten up, I'm going to out you, I'm going to ruin you. I'm going to make you lose your job. I'm going to put you in the poor house. Say goodbye to that house, that car, your whole life. You'll be fucked. And it's going to be so much worse than you could ever imagine. I have so many more names than you realize. Contacts, sites, passwords. I have so many more than you realize. And you know me and you know I mean it.
I wouldn't even feel bad for a moment, outing you, ruining you, fucking you over. Do you know why? Because you deserve it. Now start jerking it for me. Stroke with me. I think we need to go back to our original exercises. Now follow along with me. Up and down, up and down. Do you feel like a simple bitch now? Cause you sure look like one. And I hope you're scared because now, I'm just enjoying the fact of ruining you for the fun of it. Because someone like you, a little pump junkie, you really seem like you deserve it.
Pump faster. Every time I see you stroking, I know you'll click on just about anything online. Or I can always turn on your webcam. It really seems like you jerkoff in lots of places. I hacked your phone too. And I have a lot of footage I could use. Heck I guess all it would really take is a phone call to a strategic three or four people and you would be so fucked. And that nervous look on your face right now tells me everything. That's why I don't feel bad. Now, because you're getting harder every single time I make you think about you fucking me and me fucking you over, I just want to do it to see you fucking ruined, I just want to do it to make you fucking blow.
Pump faster. Do I still keep you up at night? I know I do. Stroke for me. I want you make you stroke even harder. Aren't you a good boy, a well behaved boy? I see you're really growing to become one. Tell me well behaved boy, how good do I look in my new outfit? It makes you want to listen closely to every word. I want you stroking like a well behaved boy. Stroking and enjoying exactly how hot I look. And stroking. Stroke for me. Very good. Look how eager you are to please! You are so eager to please all of a sudden. But no cumming, not yet.
Now you're gonna cum when I count you down from 10. 3, 2, get ready... 1... Cum with me. Cum for me. Give me every last drop, boy. That's right. Who's your Goddess? Who else can make you cum like that? What else makes you cum like that?