Scene 1: Nurse Inflatagirl is a silly bimbo interviewing for a nurse's position at the clinic. The doctor interviewing her starts off with general questions to see if she would be qualified for the job, but soon finds out she has no actual experience in the medical field. Nurse Inflatagirl is very eager to lend a helping hand though! The doctor is caught off guard by Nurse Inflatagirl's bubbly bimbo personality and seems to develop some other intentions...
Scene 2: Doctor explains to Nurse Inflatagirl that she has to go through a series of tests...
Full feature is UNCENSORED.
Scene 1: Nurse Inflatagirl is a silly bimbo interviewing for a nurse's position at the clinic. The doctor interviewing her starts off with general questions to see if she would be qualified for the job, but soon finds out she has no actual experience in the medical field. Nurse Inflatagirl is very eager to lend a helping hand though! The doctor is caught off guard by Nurse Inflatagirl's bubbly bimbo personality and seems to develop some other intentions...
Scene 2: Doctor explains to Nurse Inflatagirl that she has to go through a series of tests to not only make sure she is healthy enough for the job, but to also see if she is capable for the job. The doctor starts off giving her a medical exam. He checks her heart, lungs, and bldpressure. Everything is looking good so far, but wait there's more! Doctor says it's standard procedure that he gives Nurse Inflatagirl a pelvic exam. Being the mindless bimbo Nurse Inflatagirl is, she agrees without hesitation. Nurse Inflatagirl scoots down, putting her feet and legs up on the stirrups of the medical table so that the doctor can get a better look. The doctor has a scientific, yet pervy explanation on why he has to put his mouth on her vagina before inserting his fingers inside. Something about introducing his fluids with her vagina to better help the lubrication process?! I think there's something more to this doctor... He seems to have some highly perverted intentions with Nurse Inflatagirl and is taking advantage of her bimbo nature. With his gloved fingers lubed up, he inserts them inside, inspecting her vaginal walls and cervix. He then has to taste her again to check her pH balance and vaginal flora. The doctor lets Nurse Inflatagirl know she has a very healthy vagina. She's pleased and comments how professional the doctor is, not realizing he is TOTALLY taking advantage of her.
Scene 3: The doctor wants to see if Nurse Inflatagirl can be brought to orgasm through oral stimulation. He explains it's important to be able to orgasm and that it's a healthy bodily function. He begins by inserting his fingers inside, then licks and sucks on her clit. The doctor continues doing his work until she is brought to orgasm.
Scene 4: The doctor tests Nurse Inflatagirl's hydration levels. He wants to see if Nurse Inflatagirl can be brought to an even more powerful orgasm using a special medical hitachi device. First he inserts an anal plug inside of her ass hole and tells her she needs to have it inserted in order for this test to be successful. He starts the hitachi while rubbing her thighs and pushing down on her anal plug. She orgasms and starts to soak the medical pad beneath her. Just when you think that's it, she squirts even more shooting it out of her pussy! The medical pad gets extremely soaked from her fluids! The doctor continues using the hitachi and drives even more orgasms out of her, making her shake from sensitivity.
Scene 5: Nurse Inflatagirl has to get a semen sample out of the doctor. Nurse Inflatagirl has one last test to prove she is qualified for the nurse's position at the clinic. It's time to lend one of those helping hands! She unbuttons the doctor's pants and his big hard cock immediately swings out! Nurse Inflatagirl gasps in excitement and starts stroking the doctor. She makes him feel so good, but it's not enough to get a semen sample. The doctor asks about the other ways in which she can collect a semen sample. Nurse Inflatagirl's bimbo brain lights up with an idea and suggests he use her tight pussy to collect the semen sample. The doctor agrees and starts to fuck her pussy. He fucks her nice and hard and shoots his big load inside of her. Nurse Inflatagirl quickly reaches for the sample container to collect the semen. Her pussy is so tight the semen barely has anywhere to go but to spill out immediately. She still manages to push out the remaining semen into the container and she gets the job!