InquisitionWorld and PrisonWorld
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World of Inquisition - We are dedicated to bringing to life the actual medieval witch trials while remaining faithful to the real trials which occurred in medieval times. Over 25 years ago what was a fantasy has become the expression of a certain type of BDSM which hasnt been duplicated. Delve into this world where the most beautiful maidens (witches) and wickedest punishers (inquisitors) rule this realm. Every connoisseur will be mesmerized by what they see. These medieval witch interrogations are historically accurate and will arouse you like nothing before!
InquisitionWorld and PrisonWorld


A witch is dangling over small flames
A witch is dangling over small flames
04/14/23, 09:49 AM 9 min

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Intensive clinical health check of an imprisoned girl
Intensive clinical health check of an imprisoned girl
04/14/23, 10:28 AM 17 min

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Ragged wench trained to be a barking creature
Ragged wench trained to be a barking creature
04/24/23, 12:41 PM 27 min

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Weird Banquet - Dark House 2 #2
Weird Banquet - Dark House 2 #2
10/16/24, 01:06 PM 17 min

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