This clip sets the tone for the series of clips known as Insurrection...After processing the unfortunate detainees, the two Special Agents go through each of the suspect's incarceration notes and try to determine their individual weakness. Being summonsed by the Intelligence Division of Terrorism the Special Agents smoke cigarettes while they contemplate who the ring leader is along with their accomplices. The High Commandress of the Female Supremacy has declared a state of martial law.
This clip sets the tone for the series of clips known as Insurrection...After processing the unfortunate detainees, the two Special Agents go through each of the suspect's incarceration notes and try to determine their individual weakness. Being summonsed by the Intelligence Division of Terrorism the Special Agents smoke cigarettes while they contemplate who the ring leader is along with their accomplices. The High Commandress of the Female Supremacy has declared a state of martial law.