Isabelle Shy and Evil Manda are grad students together. While Evil Manda is a genius, Isabelle Shy is..., well, not the sharpest tool in the shed and because of this if she does not get an A on this Mammalian Anatomy and Physiology class, she will have to repeat the course. Lucky for her, the smartest student is her lab partner!
Evil Manda had invented a ray that can shrink objects down to very small sizes and she, along with her step-brother, have invented a vehicle that can withstand any environment. The project will not only get them an "A", but Evil Manda expects a Nobel Pr...
Isabelle Shy and Evil Manda are grad students together. While Evil Manda is a genius, Isabelle Shy is..., well, not the sharpest tool in the shed and because of this if she does not get an A on this Mammalian Anatomy and Physiology class, she will have to repeat the course. Lucky for her, the smartest student is her lab partner!
Evil Manda had invented a ray that can shrink objects down to very small sizes and she, along with her step-brother, have invented a vehicle that can withstand any environment. The project will not only get them an "A", but Evil Manda expects a Nobel Pr...