In this long-awaited sequel to Fantastic Vorage, Isabelle goes to Evil Manda's secret lab to seek out Evil Manda's scientist step-brother in hopes of saving Evil Manda from her tomb inside Isabelle's digestive tract. Once there, She is surprised to find that the step-brother has skipped town after he realized that Evil Manda used the ship and is most likely . Instead, Isabelle finds Professor Ji who says that she worked on the secret project with both Evil Manda and her step-brother. After some explanation from the not-so-bright Isabelle, Ji agrees to duplicate the experiment and be swallo...
In this long-awaited sequel to Fantastic Vorage, Isabelle goes to Evil Manda's secret lab to seek out Evil Manda's scientist step-brother in hopes of saving Evil Manda from her tomb inside Isabelle's digestive tract. Once there, She is surprised to find that the step-brother has skipped town after he realized that Evil Manda used the ship and is most likely . Instead, Isabelle finds Professor Ji who says that she worked on the secret project with both Evil Manda and her step-brother. After some explanation from the not-so-bright Isabelle, Ji agrees to duplicate the experiment and be swallo...