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Cloe Gigantessa - Cloe the Giantess
My Rating:
Runtime: 16 minutes
Category: Giantess
Date Added: 04/25/19, 02:19 PM


Cloe trova un piccolo ometto appeso con le mani si di un burrone che sta per cadere. Ovviamente lei ne approfitta per prenderlo in giro e minacciarlo di farlo cadere usando i suoi anfibi neri. Ma infine lo salva e se lo porta a casa soltanto per umiliarlo e usarlo come personale leccapiedi portatile.


Cloe finds a little man about to fall hanging with the hands on a ravine. Obviously she takes advantage of him teasing and threatening him to make him fall using her black boots. But finally she saves him and takes him home only to humiliate him and use him as a perso...

Cloe Gigantessa - Cloe the Giantess

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