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Alba, Ivy, and Tony are sitting on the couch, watching TV. Alba and Ivy are both wearing tight jeans, knee high boots, and tank tops. Their hair is down.
Alba: Another movie with a DID all tied up! The bondage in these movies is always so fake, just look at how loosely she’s tied up, I could get out of that easily!
Ivy: So could I! And she’s gagged with one piece of tape over her mouth? Come on!
Alba: And with her hands tied in front, she could just reach up and rip the tape off her mouth!
Ivy: Exactly! At least tie her hands behind her back like a real bandit would!
Tony: I bet I could tie you up like that girl and you wouldn’t be able to escape.
Alba: No way!
Ivy: Impossible! I bet you can’t do it!
Tony: If either of you can get out I’ll give you 200 Euros.
Alba and Ivy look at each other and smile, thinking they can easily win the money.
Alba: Deal, you’re on.
Ivy: This is going to be the easiest money I’ve made in a while.
Now Ivy and Alba are both tied to chairs. Their wrists are tied behind their backs, and they have chest harnesses attaching them to the back of the chairs. Their legs are spread apart, ankles tied to the legs of the chair, and rope around their thighs tying them to the seat of the chair. Tony is just finishing tying the last ropes in place.
Alba: Tony, I think this is a lot more rope than the girl on the TV show had.
Ivy: Yeah, and her hands weren’t tied behind her back like ours are.
Tony: Well, this is how she should have been tied up if the bandit wasn’t an idiot.
Ivy: That seems like a different deal than the bet we had...but whatever, I will still be able to get out of this!
Alba: Me too! Easy peasy!
Tony: Well, there you go, girls, let’s see you struggle and see how well you do.
Ivy: I just need to find a knot, and I will be out in no time!
Alba: That’s all I need too, one knot!
Ivy: Can you find a knot?
Alba: No, can you?
Ivy: Nope. He sure used a lot of rope on us.
Alba: He really did, way more than the girl on TV.
Ivy: I know, it’s not quite fair, but we will still get out and show Tony we can escape from anything!
Alba: Maybe I can get one of my ankles loose.
Ivy: Oooo, good idea! I’ll try that too!
Alba and Ivy struggle a little more, unable to make any progress. Tony returns with 2 ball gags.
Tony: I think you girls are talking too much. I need some peace and quiet.
Alba: We are not that loud! We don’t need to be gagged!
Ivy: The girl on the TV show wasn’t ball gagged!
Tony: Just think of it as another challenge. I’ll give you a bonus if you get the ball gags off.
He stuffs the ball gags in the girl’s mouths.
Ivy and Alba mmmppphhh and struggle. The ball gags make them drool a lot. They try to help each other get loose, but they are not able to. We watch them struggle for several minutes, but they remain helplessly tied to the chairs.
Tony: Well, it seems like you weren’t able to get out of these chair ties. Not as easy as you thought it would be? (The girls shake their heads no.) Let’s try a different position and see if you can escape from it.
Now Ivy and Alba are sitting on the floor, tied back to back-hands behind their backs, chest harnesses, a rope around their stomach tying them together. Their ankles are tied together, and they also have rope above their knees. They are both gagged with wraparound duct tape gags.
Tony: I think you have a better chance to get untied now. You’re so close to each other, you can work together and help each other get loose. (Alba and Ivy both groan, knowing how hard it will be to get out of these ropes.) Okay, have fun struggling, I need to run some errands, you should be able to escape by the time I get back!
Ivy and Alba struggle and gag talk, trying to communicate and help each other get loose. After several minutes of struggling, they tip over onto their sides on the floor. They are unable to get loose until Tony comes home and unties them.
Tony: What’s this? You’re still all tied up and gagged? Wow, I wasn’t expecting this failure from you two. Fine, I guess I’ll untie you.
Now Ivy and Alba are now completely untied and ungagged, sitting on the floor among the rope. They are both happy to be untied, but it turns out they enjoyed the experience.
Alba: It was actually really fun to be tied up like that.
Ivy: It was! Maybe we could get tied up again the next time there’s a scene like that on TV.
Alba: That’s a great idea!
They both laugh and hug each other.