::This was a custom video for a fan, message me to order your own custom video!::
“Donna’s bare feet come into view. The camera follows her from behind as she thunders to the scale. Her jiggling fat ass and legs look fatter than ever under lighting that best shows off her dimpled cellulite. The camera spins around to her front, looking up at her belly and tits that can’t be contained in her tight bra or tank top. Her fat pussy is bulging out of her skimpiest panties - leaving nothing to the imagination. She nervously gets on the scale and, of course, Donna has blown up again. She b...
::This was a custom video for a fan, message me to order your own custom video!::
“Donna’s bare feet come into view. The camera follows her from behind as she thunders to the scale. Her jiggling fat ass and legs look fatter than ever under lighting that best shows off her dimpled cellulite. The camera spins around to her front, looking up at her belly and tits that can’t be contained in her tight bra or tank top. Her fat pussy is bulging out of her skimpiest panties - leaving nothing to the imagination. She nervously gets on the scale and, of course, Donna has blown up again. She bites her lip and fights back tears, mortified by her highest ever weigh-in. She knows that her weight has ballooned because she has given up on diets & gyms. Her food addiction has gotten so out of hand. She can’t stop eating.
Donna sits on the couch (or bed) with her big legs out in front of her and her bare soles showing for the camera. Her belly rolls and spreading thighs are on full display as she wiggles her sexy toes and twirls her hair, trying to ignore the doughnuts and heavy cream within reach. She really shouldn’t.. she tells herself... but she can’t resist. Donna grabs one and sighs, taking a big bite. Looking at her belly, she doesn’t see the harm at this point. She devours the doughnut and talks with her mouth full. She swears she can feel herself getting fatter and fatter. She confesses that she’s been pigging out every night and having the strangest dreams.
The camera can switch from front/back/side views to emphasize the actions for each dream story as you see fit. You can personalize each scenario however you like using your own words and descriptions. These are just the themes.
First, she dreamt that she ended up in Donut Hell where she was strapped to a chair, fed doughnuts on a conveyor belt and funnelled heavy cream. She got fatter and fatter until she broke the chair and turned into an immobile blob of rolls and cellulite.
In another dream, she wiggled her fat ass down a rabbit hole, finding herself lost in a strange wonderland where everything she ate made her grow enormously fat. She grew and burst out of her dress and tore her stockings. Her feet grew and busted out of her shoes. She even grew so big that she got stuck in a house! She acts out the scene with her arms sticking out of the windows and her legs sticking out of the doors. Please go heavy on the foot fetish for this one.
She dreamt that she won a golden ticket and went on a chocolate factory tour - only to swell up into a big round blueberry thanks to her greedy appetite. She had to be rolled to the juicing room and squeezed before she exploded.
Her strange new sexual fantasies about bondage and force-feeding make her so horny. She can’t believe it, but she’s actually becoming addicted to stuffing her face and touching her pussy at the same time. She wants to eat and be eaten out at the same time. Just talking about it makes her wet. Aroused, Donna gets on all fours, shaking her big ass and swaying her hips with her tits and belly touching the bed. She eats like a cow, air-humping while the camera circles her and stops directly behind her big butt. Polishing off the doughnut, Donna sits back up and gulps down the rest of her heavy cream. She feels so fat and full and heavy. She’s stands and looks over her body with concern. She can only imagine the effect this is going to have on her waistline as she nervously rubs her bloated belly and considers the consequences of her actions. For years, Donna has been hell bent on losing weight and she gained over 100 pounds! What will happen to her now?!”