I've got the hiccups again! This hiccuping fit coincides with a power outage due to weather, but as an ever industrious AJ, I get out my battery powered colored lights. Through blue and green ocean tinted colors you can watch my whole hiccuping fit until the very end. I love how they take over my whole body, I couldn't stifle them if I wanted to. Luckily, I have no desire to tamper my natural hiccups. They are so fun to have and I adore it every time.
I've got the hiccups again! This hiccuping fit coincides with a power outage due to weather, but as an ever industrious AJ, I get out my battery powered colored lights. Through blue and green ocean tinted colors you can watch my whole hiccuping fit until the very end. I love how they take over my whole body, I couldn't stifle them if I wanted to. Luckily, I have no desire to tamper my natural hiccups. They are so fun to have and I adore it every time.