Yui's Unexpected Salon Experience: Part 1-2
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Category: Lesbian
Runtime: 20 minutes
Date Added: 3/22/2024


Follow Yui's journey as she ventures deeper into the peculiar beauty salon recommended to her. Embracing the situation, Yui listens as Momoka explains their unique approach. Without hesitation, Yui surrenders to the experience as Momoka begins with a sensual kiss, followed by tongue sucking and unconventional areas such as armpits and feet. Are you prepared for the next phase of this incredible aesthetic treatment? (Part 1-2)

Experiencia de Salon de Yui (Parte 1-2): Sigue el viaje de Yui mientras se adentra mas en el peculiar salon de belleza que le recomendaron. Aceptando la situa...

Yui's Unexpected Salon Experience: Part 1-2

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