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I have a real kink for virgins! Stay a virgin forever and i'll give you special rewards!
My Rating:
Runtime: 10 minutes
Date Added: 12/24/22, 03:10 PM


I have this real fucked little kink for virgins!
Oh no silly, I don't wanna fuck them! I wanna fuck them up!
You see, I just love the thought of playing with an innocent, little virgins impressionable mind!
Hmmm.. making its entire sexlife consumed by me!
Sensually toying with him until he's hooked on me!
Subtly manipulating him until I've fucked his ego enough not to want sex!
Umm.. an untouched, unique little virgin, all for me!

I have a real kink for virgins! Stay a virgin forever and i'll give you special rewards!

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