Does being shrunk at a party as a joke and served as a drink to an unaware giant, sliding down his heated and slick throat before being carried through his merciless digestive tract seem appealing to you?
If you have the courage to, you might want to embark yourself in this two-segment full tour vore journey..
????full tour 1/2
????stomach contents: strawberry candy sticks, orange crush, Smirnoff, BBQ ribs, beans (and you)????
????EXTERNALS included
??nasal vore
??maw play and foodplay
??longer esophagus scenes
- I don't know if I still wanna do this. You confess, feeling the words get stuck in the back of your throat, you were afraid of what will happen if this actually works. You were excited, sure, but you didn't expect to feel the anxiety swelling in your chest, even more than that fear of heights people have.
- Do you wanna have your hundred bucks? We made a deal dude! They insist, getting slightly impatient as one of them hands you the vial.
- I do, but do you have any idea at all how this works? Am I going to stay tiny for the rest of my life? You ask, crossing your arms around yourself.
- Maybe if you had gotten into a smaller size, we could have kept you as a pet or something, they suggest.
- Not funny guys, you reply, your heart rate increasing.
A long, silent moment passes by. You take a deep breath, every pair of eyes looking right at you.
- Alright, fuck it, I don't think this vial actually contains a real shrinking liquid or whatever, let's say it was a prop, you reply, your uneasiness dissipating.
They all watch closely as you grab the small glass container, opening it and sniffing the strange liquid, closing your eyes as you take a long deep breath in.
Your friend holds the money in his hand as he looks at you chugging the small bottle in a single gulp
- That was easy, he chuckles and they look at each other.
You stand there in the middle of the bathroom as everyone waits silently, expecting to watch a sort of surreal transformation take place.
But nothing happens, so they laugh it off, walking outside towards the loud music coming from the kitchen.
After a few minutes, you open the bathroom door, rubbing your arm and stepping out of the tiny room.
Your nervousness dissipates slowly as the night goes by normally. A few more people arrive at the party, but none of which you had invited. You join the conversation and act as normally as possible, laughing and enjoying the atmosphere.
You can hear the music getting louder and louder, you feel the beat drumming through your skin.
Your vision begins to blur. The drinks must have kicked in.
You slowly make your way into the nearest room you can find, which is a bedroom and sit down on the bed.
- That wasn't so bad, it really was just a bunch of sugar and apple flavoring, you laugh, sitting up and stretching your arms.
- H-huh? Someone calls for you and your head snaps up, but something's wrong.
It takes a few seconds for your eyes to get used to what you're seeing, and your heart starts racing.
- You really are a small guy...
Someone else whispers.
You can feel your jaw dropping as you gaze upon the person in front of the bed.
A loud silence takes over, the sounds outside blocked by the closed door.
- Am I tripping or something? He clearly looks under the influence, and the way he looks at you is... different.
He gulps, and the room falls quiet again, the sound of his heavy breathing the only thing disturbing it.
- Holy fuck, that's so weird, I got an idea. He stammers, pinning you down and snatching you from the bed in less than a second.
I walked inside of the house, extremely nervous and uncomfortable to see all of those people which I barely knew all talking to each other and socializing like crazy. This wasn't really my scene. I had agreed to come with some of my friends to this party but I was immediately regretting agreeing to tag along with them.
Anyways, I always felt super awkward around these kinds of settings.
I turned my face, and saw the table that had the drinks, which meant I was only a few steps away from having something in my system that could take the edge off.
It was a huge table, and on it were several pints, sodas, fruit juices and a few bottles of strongs. But it seemed that almost everything was already empty.
Not wanting to stay awkwardly still in front of the table, I immediately went for the candy stick bag that was standing next to it and grabbed a couple of pieces.
- Do you want a drink? a stranger's voice boomed behind me.
- Yeah, I guess. I turned around, trying my best to remain calm and collected, and saw a guy my height handing me a soda can.
- Does this have any hard stuff in it? I asked hesitantly
Three or four of his friends joined behind him, all laughing and giggling like complete idiots, each of them holding their own beverage.
-Oh well, you can say so. You just gotta hold this tiny morcel here, on the edge of the can, with your pinky, then let it drop into your mouth and chug it all down in one go.
- I promise it's gonna make your stomach go crazy.