Scooter (Boots) McGraw produced and directed this outrageous and fully costumed melodrama at TickleFest-2003 in Chicago. Here, Batman's sidekick Robin falls into the clutches of a band of evil henchmen who ambush and him. After that he gets tickled for information until he reveals Batman's true identity. Yes, it's outrageous and way over the top - but it fulfills a popular tickle fantasy which all tickle enthusiasts will get a big kick out of. BTW, the guy who plays Robin designed and created his costume - including his hand made green slippers (which are quickly removed to expose his ticklish...
Scooter (Boots) McGraw produced and directed this outrageous and fully costumed melodrama at TickleFest-2003 in Chicago. Here, Batman's sidekick Robin falls into the clutches of a band of evil henchmen who ambush and him. After that he gets tickled for information until he reveals Batman's true identity. Yes, it's outrageous and way over the top - but it fulfills a popular tickle fantasy which all tickle enthusiasts will get a big kick out of. BTW, the guy who plays Robin designed and created his costume - including his hand made green slippers (which are quickly removed to expose his ticklish...