I am the Alpha in this relationship! I rule the roost, control this empire, dominate your world. Who am I? Im your Goddess! The supreme being to which you bow. The scubbas you crave to suck you dry and leave you aching for more. So my little pet what can you do for me? What does my submissive slave have to offer goddess today? Some ca$h, a gift, a healthy tribute? what will you bring to the alter as an offer to your goddess? Proper worship is a requirement if you want to be the league of those who worship me. So strap up subbie were going for a ride!
I am the Alpha in this relationship! I rule the roost, control this empire, dominate your world. Who am I? Im your Goddess! The supreme being to which you bow. The scubbas you crave to suck you dry and leave you aching for more. So my little pet what can you do for me? What does my submissive slave have to offer goddess today? Some ca$h, a gift, a healthy tribute? what will you bring to the alter as an offer to your goddess? Proper worship is a requirement if you want to be the league of those who worship me. So strap up subbie were going for a ride!