I'll take care of her for you...that's what Jennifer says to poor poor Fujicakes. Fuji just had her ass handed to her by Roni. What Jennifer doesn't know is that Fujicakes deserved it. Jennifer tries to teach Roni a lesson but starts to realize Ronnie is the nice girl and Fujicakes is crazy. Things end badly for Fujicakes as both wreslters take her out in part 1.
I'll take care of her for you...that's what Jennifer says to poor poor Fujicakes. Fuji just had her ass handed to her by Roni. What Jennifer doesn't know is that Fujicakes deserved it. Jennifer tries to teach Roni a lesson but starts to realize Ronnie is the nice girl and Fujicakes is crazy. Things end badly for Fujicakes as both wreslters take her out in part 1.