THIS IS OUR VERSION OF WATER-BOARDING!!!! THE SUSPECT IS TERRORIZED BY TWO GIRLS UNTIL HE SPITS OUT THE INFORMATION THEY WANT!!!!!! We don't do it very much in modern day....but back in the day.....we used to do this all the time!!! This ancient method of Cruel & Unusual Punishment is revived by Officers JC & Candice. A Suspect is in Custody at the Jerkyville Jail. He has been Arrested for Robbing a Jewellery Store. He is refusing to tell the Officers where he hid the Diamonds that were stolen during thr JC & Candice have resorted to Cruel & Unusual Punishment from anci...
THIS IS OUR VERSION OF WATER-BOARDING!!!! THE SUSPECT IS TERRORIZED BY TWO GIRLS UNTIL HE SPITS OUT THE INFORMATION THEY WANT!!!!!! We don't do it very much in modern day....but back in the day.....we used to do this all the time!!! This ancient method of Cruel & Unusual Punishment is revived by Officers JC & Candice. A Suspect is in Custody at the Jerkyville Jail. He has been Arrested for Robbing a Jewellery Store. He is refusing to tell the Officers where he hid the Diamonds that were stolen during thr JC & Candice have resorted to Cruel & Unusual Punishment from anci...