I heard the clitter clatter of high heels in the hallway and I go to investigate. Much to my delight it's another . She's pissed off banging on doors and yelling for some guy named Tony. I run up to her with my toy and hold it to her head. I cuff her wrists, thumbs and elbows. Then I cuff her ankles, gag her with a harness gag and nipple clamp her. I walk her down the hallway leading her by the clamps, she starts to break already and we are just getting started! Once I get her back to the room I have her stand for a while why I gather up some rope. I take her nipple clamps ...
I heard the clitter clatter of high heels in the hallway and I go to investigate. Much to my delight it's another . She's pissed off banging on doors and yelling for some guy named Tony. I run up to her with my toy and hold it to her head. I cuff her wrists, thumbs and elbows. Then I cuff her ankles, gag her with a harness gag and nipple clamp her. I walk her down the hallway leading her by the clamps, she starts to break already and we are just getting started! Once I get her back to the room I have her stand for a while why I gather up some rope. I take her nipple clamps ...