The bitch was left in a knee point hogtie with her head tied to a post
Studio: JJs Archives! BorntobeBound
posted in 2013 to studio 8358, reformatted as an mp4
Riley Jane drives up the road to a property in the middle of nowhere with a little house and a couple of out buildings on it. She is utterly disgusted to be out in the country trying to sell a cheap property but time are rough and she has to take what she can get. When she gets out of her vehicle she starts to bitch to the potential buyer and then asks where her husband is. He sneaks up on her and makes her . He plays with her body for a while before tying up her wrists. When hes done his female partner in time tethers her legs tog...
Riley Jane drives up the road to a property in the middle of nowhere with a little house and a couple of out buildings on it. She is utterly disgusted to be out in the country trying to sell a cheap property but time are rough and she has to take what she can get. When she gets out of her vehicle she starts to bitch to the potential buyer and then asks where her husband is. He sneaks up on her and makes her . He plays with her body for a while before tying up her wrists. When hes done his female partner in time tethers her legs tog...

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