Raphael Swallows Tiny Roommate- MKV
My Rating:
Category: Male Domination
Runtime: 21 minutes
Date Added: 12/6/2017


Raphael the cruel Giant roommate toys with his 1/2 inch tall roommate. Comparing him to Stuart Little and Tom Thumb, The Latino God chuckles casually and contemplates what to do with the loser. "It literally is like Jack and the Beanstalk dude. Im the Giant, and you're fucking worthless peasant." The tension builds as the Giant looks at his prey, observing his nice outfit, but claiming "That's pretty much all you have going for you. You're too small to be relevant." He finally starts inching him closer to his massive mouth. "You're so tiny, my tongue is like a landscape. It would take you ...

Raphael Swallows Tiny Roommate- MKV

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