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CAUGHT giving myself wedgies AGAIN! ATOMIC WEDGIES!!!!!
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Jojo is just relaxing with her pants on and her granny panties sticking out. She decides to start giving herself a wedgie. These panties are EXTRA stretchy and can go all the way over her head! She gives herself a few atomic wedgies. Mmm she loves the way it feels on her ass crack! It is her dark secrete. That she is a wedgie lover!! All of a sudden, the door slams, Natalie barges in....and Jojo has been CAUGHT, for the second time. Jojo is sooo embarrassed. She grabs a pillow to cover herself. Natalie instantly starts making fun of Jojo and starts giving her wedgies. She cannot believe she...

CAUGHT giving myself wedgies AGAIN! ATOMIC WEDGIES!!!!!

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