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Chubby Topless girl eats dinner, dessert, and a few burps
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Jojo Lavan is topless in her pink panties. She eats her dinner which consist of a veggie burger with df cheese, tomato & onion with a side of oily roasted cabbage with lots of garlic. She also has a side of ketchup & mayo because fat girls LOVE condiments!!! It takes her about 9 minutes to eat her dinner. Her belly is growing so big while eating. She then eats dessert. She has a yummy fattening chocolate muffin! She is so full from this big meal. The last minute she burps it all out. Tags - BBW Chubby Burps Burping Burp Bloated Belly Big Belly Big Bellies justjojoxxx Jojo Lavan fat gain wei...

Chubby Topless girl eats dinner, dessert, and a few burps

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