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Eating Oily Pasta and talking about weight gain part 1
My Rating:
Runtime: 8 minutes
Category: Food Stuffing
Date Added: 03/12/22, 02:07 AM


In this video Jojo Lavan starts out about talking about how she has gained some weight and she can't buckle her jeans all the way. She is really excited to eat Spaghetti with garlic & olive oil. She is soo hungry. She mentions she thinks she might gain some weight from this large meal. There is a close up of the pasta, she is talking about how she can't wait for it to go in her fat belly! She then goes to the couch, and starts shoveling the pasta in her mouth!!!! She is making a mess and her face is getting really greasy. She compares herself to a fat pig. She even calls herself a fat peace...

Eating Oily Pasta and talking about weight gain part 1

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