Converting My Friend's Bitchy Step-Sister
My Rating:
Runtime: 8 minutes
Date Added: 3/27/2017


This clip is sized 1280x720, in WMV format,

Mae is an uptight and conservative. she always wears clothes that cover her body completely, her hair up, and glasses. And she's also such A BITCH, especially to HER STEP-BROTHER and his friends. He walks into her room and she immediately starts yelling at him (silent male POV). "What do you want??" "Get out of my face and leave me the hell alone!" "You're SUCH A LOSER!! I'd never hang out with you!" Suddenly, he flashes a MAGIC REMOTE IN HER FACE, presses a button, and it FREEZES HER. When he presses it again, her shoes are different! Th...

Converting My Friend's Bitchy Step-Sister

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