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Hi, honey. Did you have a good day at work? I know how excited you were this morning when you left. You finally got your dream job. The promotion you’ve been working so long and hard for. All those hours, slaving away at your desk. Endless nights here, at home, with your laptop in front of you, putting in more work than anyone else. Having to deal with all the office politics. Fighting off all those other competitors for the job you’ve always wanted.
I bet you felt so proud when you walked through the door to your new corner office and saw that amazing view. You finally...
Hi, honey. Did you have a good day at work? I know how excited you were this morning when you left. You finally got your dream job. The promotion you’ve been working so long and hard for. All those hours, slaving away at your desk. Endless nights here, at home, with your laptop in front of you, putting in more work than anyone else. Having to deal with all the office politics. Fighting off all those other competitors for the job you’ve always wanted.
I bet you felt so proud when you walked through the door to your new corner office and saw that amazing view. You finally...
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