Released April 11, 2013. The Waitress and Bar Manger, having been moved to their final destination before being sold in The European slave market, are being advertised as "for sale" on the Internet. And The Slave Trader is receiving numerous, attractive offers for the captive pair. So many, in fact, that she has decided to extend the length of their stay, until she makes a final decision on whom their new owners will be. The Waitress and Bar Manager are tightly zip tied together around their upper bodies, knees, and ankles. There is no escape for the duo, and who knows how long they will be he...
Released April 11, 2013. The Waitress and Bar Manger, having been moved to their final destination before being sold in The European slave market, are being advertised as "for sale" on the Internet. And The Slave Trader is receiving numerous, attractive offers for the captive pair. So many, in fact, that she has decided to extend the length of their stay, until she makes a final decision on whom their new owners will be. The Waitress and Bar Manager are tightly zip tied together around their upper bodies, knees, and ankles. There is no escape for the duo, and who knows how long they will be he...