Released April 3, 2014. to change into the attire found at her house, The School Board Member has now assumed her other personality, The . Her secret night life exposed by The School Board President. Tightly bound and gagged with duct tape, more photos are taken to further The 's blackmail. The School Board President reveals a written contract, which The is to sign, that states that The now works for The School Board President, and her only. To be used for The President's pure profit, being pimped out as the obvious that she is. Signed, sealed, and delivered, The is now in an impossible situat...
Released April 3, 2014. to change into the attire found at her house, The School Board Member has now assumed her other personality, The . Her secret night life exposed by The School Board President. Tightly bound and gagged with duct tape, more photos are taken to further The 's blackmail. The School Board President reveals a written contract, which The is to sign, that states that The now works for The School Board President, and her only. To be used for The President's pure profit, being pimped out as the obvious that she is. Signed, sealed, and delivered, The is now in an impossible situat...