Released October 26, 2014. Detective Dakkota Grey has been hired to locate the missing Chairman. She tracks The Chairman to an underground hideout, and proceeds to enter the hideout, hoping she'll find The Chairman there. The Chairman is there, bound and gagged as usual, but The Ex-employee captures The Detective, tying and gagging her, as well. Soon, The Chairman is escorted from the hideout, leaving the poor Detective to perish in a cloud of poisonous gas, as she knows too much!
Released October 26, 2014. Detective Dakkota Grey has been hired to locate the missing Chairman. She tracks The Chairman to an underground hideout, and proceeds to enter the hideout, hoping she'll find The Chairman there. The Chairman is there, bound and gagged as usual, but The Ex-employee captures The Detective, tying and gagging her, as well. Soon, The Chairman is escorted from the hideout, leaving the poor Detective to perish in a cloud of poisonous gas, as she knows too much!