Released October 3, 2012. This video chronicles the first two days of Glenda Thorn's captivity at the hands of the diabolical law firm partner. You see, Glenda Thorn is actually P.I. Joyce Swanson, hired by the law firm to investigate the strange disappearance of large sums of money from the company.
But, soon Joyce Swanson is caught red handed by the very scoundrel that is stealing all the money.......The law firm partner. Joyce is taken away bound and gagged, and deposited in an unknown basement location. Joyce will never be able to tell anyone of her discoveries.
Day One of her captivity....
Released October 3, 2012. This video chronicles the first two days of Glenda Thorn's captivity at the hands of the diabolical law firm partner. You see, Glenda Thorn is actually P.I. Joyce Swanson, hired by the law firm to investigate the strange disappearance of large sums of money from the company.
But, soon Joyce Swanson is caught red handed by the very scoundrel that is stealing all the money.......The law firm partner. Joyce is taken away bound and gagged, and deposited in an unknown basement location. Joyce will never be able to tell anyone of her discoveries.
Day One of her captivity....