Released October 31, 2013. Inspector Shirley Holmes is detained in the basement of the underground library. Tied to a St. Andrews Cross. After being double crossed by her partner, Detective Brandy Watson. Detective Watson plans on getting all of the reward money for the recovery of The Book, instead of sharing it with Inspector Holmes. Now, Detective Watson's search for the missing book ends and she locates the Sacred Book Of Black Magic. The Inspector, in a complete helpless state, is shown the secrets of the magic book. Detective Brandy Watson then leaves to collect the reward money. With In...
Released October 31, 2013. Inspector Shirley Holmes is detained in the basement of the underground library. Tied to a St. Andrews Cross. After being double crossed by her partner, Detective Brandy Watson. Detective Watson plans on getting all of the reward money for the recovery of The Book, instead of sharing it with Inspector Holmes. Now, Detective Watson's search for the missing book ends and she locates the Sacred Book Of Black Magic. The Inspector, in a complete helpless state, is shown the secrets of the magic book. Detective Brandy Watson then leaves to collect the reward money. With In...