I have wanted you for some time now. I watch you in the office as you perform your daily tasks. You're so sexy, and mysterious. I finally get up the courage to ask you on date. We have a lovely evening out for dinner. I am really horny and want to take you back to my place for a little night cap. When we arrive at my place I am very quick to get you in your pants and reach for your cock... Sadly I am very disappointed by what I find and I cannot contain myself.
I have wanted you for some time now. I watch you in the office as you perform your daily tasks. You're so sexy, and mysterious. I finally get up the courage to ask you on date. We have a lovely evening out for dinner. I am really horny and want to take you back to my place for a little night cap. When we arrive at my place I am very quick to get you in your pants and reach for your cock... Sadly I am very disappointed by what I find and I cannot contain myself.