to give a foretaste of my finale, her some attributes... YOUR SITUATION: first there is hope (that i will finish it soon)... then there comes imploration (you cannot stand it any longer)... finally there is just desperation (your horny feelings change into feelings of powerlessness and deep faint)... ok, MY SITUATION is much easier... its long... its red... its slow, yeeesss, very slow... its complete control... oh, i love it so much...
--SCREEN SIZE 1280 x 720-- --RUN TIME 10:40--
to give a foretaste of my finale, her some attributes... YOUR SITUATION: first there is hope (that i will finish it soon)... then there comes imploration (you cannot stand it any longer)... finally there is just desperation (your horny feelings change into feelings of powerlessness and deep faint)... ok, MY SITUATION is much easier... its long... its red... its slow, yeeesss, very slow... its complete control... oh, i love it so much...