This was originally a custom video but no names were used. To order your own, visit my website or email me (my website and email address are at the top of the front page of this store ).
This is a follow up to mesmerizing my boyfriend . I use my high quality ASMR microphone, wear red lipstick, use a close-up camera angle showing just my face, and never break eye contact at any point. Throughout the video, I occasionally lick my li...
This was originally a custom video but no names were used. To order your own, visit my website or email me (my website and email address are at the top of the front page of this store ).
This is a follow up to mesmerizing my boyfriend . I use my high quality ASMR microphone, wear red lipstick, use a close-up camera angle showing just my face, and never break eye contact at any point. Throughout the video, I occasionally lick my lips, lick/suck my fingers, trace my lips with my fingers and do some very light spit/saliva play. At the beginning of this video, you are mad at me, because you found out I used your credit card to buy expensive earrings. I placate you and gradually mesmerize you without your knowledge. I tell you that I bought them because I wanted to look pretty for you. I tell you how happy you’ll be when you see them. You start suspecting me of mesmerizing you, but I assure you I’m not. Wouldn’t that make me an awful girlfriend? Manipulating you in order to get my way? I wouldn’t do that to you, sweetie. Even though you’re feeling a twitch in your cock, a twitch we both know I control, it doesn’t mean I’m mesmerizing you. It just means we have a strong, happy relationship.
Once you’re completely under, I finally admit it. I giggle as I tell you that I’ve been mesmerizing you all along, and you fell for it. I make you apologise to me for being angry. I make you drool. I make you forget your own name. I make you recite mantras of worship. You make a half-hearted attempt to argue that you’re not mesmerized, that you knew all along and you’re able to resist me. I decide to test you. I tell you that when I click my fingers, you will become a puppy for me. You will get on your knees, wag your tail and bark, because you’re so happy to see me. Of course you deny it. “No, of course not, honey. You’re not under my spell. You’re a strong man, you’d never act like a puppy just because I clicked my fingers. But I’d like to test it out, just to make sure.” I click my fingers and you do exactly as I said you would. “Oh dear. Where’s that resistance you were talking about, honey?”
You will always be compliant for me. You will always do as I say, even if it means acting like my little puppy. And I’m going to reward you for your compliance, sweetie. I’m going to make you cum. And it will be extra special, because it will be a hands-free orgasm. I build you up, closer and closer, telling you that as soon as you cum for me, the process will be complete, and you’ll be mine forever. Eventually, I tell you to cum for me. No countdown, just a sudden, sensual order. You were so close to the edge, you blow your load as soon as I tell you to. When you come down from your climax, I apologise for using deceitful means to get my way. “But sweetie, you need to understand, I always get my way”. I tell you it’s time to rest. “You’re going to dream of me honey. You’re mine now. Always and forever.”