Mixed Boxing KO vs KaneVision
My Rating:
Studio: KaneVision
Category: Mixed Boxing
Runtime: 11 minutes
Date Added: 2/24/2024


On the left corner is KO aka Kortney Olson, record hold for the strongest thighs that can crush 3 watermelons in 6 seconds. Trains in martial arts and is into weightlifting.

In the right corner is KaneVision, trains in martial arts and fitness fanatic.

Four rounds of hot mixed boxing action as the two throw punches at one another, Kane throwing body jabs and trying to stay defend but even the punches Kane blocks still have impact as KO hits like a truck.

Every punch that lands on Kane sends him afew steps back or side, wobbles him or causes him to hit the floor as...

Mixed Boxing KO vs KaneVision

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