''CAMERA:. From side view downward... Need to see concave of belly between hips and ribs as sucking in and being stood on also can see contractions of ribs and belly
OUTFIT: Need to see mid hip bone to top of head with the tube top what shows as much of your ribs below and above it like to see how upper belly sucks in under sternum between sides of rib cage and like to see collar bones and neck during clips
OPENING SCENE: "I'M READY FOR MORE" (1 minute) Karate Mistress on your back, legs out straight sucking in your belly as deep as you can, want t...
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''CAMERA:. From side view downward... Need to see concave of belly between hips and ribs as sucking in and being stood on also can see contractions of ribs and belly
OUTFIT: Need to see mid hip bone to top of head with the tube top what shows as much of your ribs below and above it like to see how upper belly sucks in under sternum between sides of rib cage and like to see collar bones and neck during clips
OPENING SCENE: "I'M READY FOR MORE" (1 minute) Karate Mistress on your back, legs out straight sucking in your belly as deep as you can, want to really see your ribs. Karate Mistress self punch your belly 3 times each fist while smiling and saying "I'm READY, I can take this" Karate Mistress bend your knees up midway. ALANNA say "You have been working hard, tighten your abs" Step on KM belly one foot, count 1001, 1002, 1003, 1004, 1005 as you step over her with other foot. Immediately turnaround ALANNA and repeat this FIVE times SCENE TWO: "WEIGHTING FOR BREATH" (5 minute) Karate Mistress on your back bend your knees up midway sucking in your belly as deep as you can want to really see your ribs. Karate Mistress pat your belly and say "I want more more" pat your belly. Karate Mistress put the stack of weights on her sucked in belly. ALANNA move to Karate Mistress head and cover her mouth and nose for a 1.5 minute breath hold looking for contractions a 15 second breathing beak with weights on belly Karate Mistress say "More More Please" ALANNA say time for ONE Minute drill.... Cover her mouth and nose for 1 minute... allow up to 3 breathes in and out BREAK then immediately cover her mouth and nose again for 1 minute... do this 3 total times take weights off for next scene. SCENE THREE: "REALLY Push me... I can take it" (7 minutes) Karate Mistress on your back bend your knees up midway alternate sucking in your belly as deep as you can TO pushing out belly as far as you can 3 times in and out. Pat your belly and feel your ribs as you suck in as far as you can. Karate Mistress say "You like my Belly and Ribs don't you" and your favorite smile. Karate Mistress say "You are REALLY pushing me today... I can take it.... More More" ALANNA say "tighten your abs and hold your breath" ALANNA: step onto Karate Mistress belly as she is breath holding. Karate Mistress hold your breathe for as long as you can and as needed take two breathes in and out and immediately hold breathe again... Alanna will be standing on your belly for 3 minutes. ALANNA give her 30 second BREAK after 3 minutes with you off of her then repeat this ONE more time for a TOTAL of 2 times Karate Mistress says "Feel my abs Alanna" ALANNA: feel her belly and ribs as she sucks in as far as she can ALANNA say "OH MY GOSH... VERY NICE" Karate Mistress say "I KNOW RIGHT" and your famous smile''