The two of you get together because you both want to have another belly pushing contest. You both admit that even though the fist pushing has been painful at times, it's been kinda fun for you. They have also been just a bit erotic and arousing from the deep pressure. You're wanting to know what it feels like when pushed with something larger than the fist, something that applies pressure deeply over a larger area of the belly, while at the same time feeling sexy by dressing like ladies. You both find much more erotic enjoyment from the gloves pushing into the b...
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The two of you get together because you both want to have another belly pushing contest. You both admit that even though the fist pushing has been painful at times, it's been kinda fun for you. They have also been just a bit erotic and arousing from the deep pressure. You're wanting to know what it feels like when pushed with something larger than the fist, something that applies pressure deeply over a larger area of the belly, while at the same time feeling sexy by dressing like ladies. You both find much more erotic enjoyment from the gloves pushing into the belly and you show this by both the noises that come from you and your body language from being penetrated by the gloved fists. This would be a 7 round competition in different positions of belly pushing with boxing gloves, with additional rounds in the last position to determine a winner if necessary. The time for each round would be 70 seconds. This would allow both of you as the pusher the time to start the stopwatch, get your glove back on, and then be able to push for 60 seconds.. - Positions: 1. Leaning back on the sofa with your arms spread across the back of the sofa. A pillow placed behind the back for support. 2. On the floor with the belly stretched by the use of pillows behind the back. 3. Leaning over a counter or table as the belly is pushed with uppercuts. Pusher to sit in a chair to give her more height and support for deeper uppercut pushes up into the belly. 4. Sitting on the chair with the legs straight, the head back and the arms dangling. The pusher would straddle the legs. 5. Sitting on the floor, leaning back with your arms behind you while on your elbows. 6. Lying flat on the floor with the pusher straddling your legs at the thighs while on her knees 7. Against the wall - 1st time each of you with your gloved hands at your side. 2nd time for Alexa you instruct her to put her gloved hands up over her head. First part is the first 4 rounds. The two of you find that the pushing with the gloves is indeed different from the fists because the gloves do cover a larger part of the belly. You both experiment with straight jab pushes and uppercut pushes as you try to knock out the other with continual, deep pushes that will cut off their air supply. Alexa is a little better with the gloves because she's had gloves on many times. You struggle and erotically suffer but battle through each round because of your determination and you concentrate on the enjoyment of the deep pushing or penetrating of the belly. Sometimes Alexa helps you out with slowing down the pushes to allow you to stay conscious because she wants you to last through as many rounds as possible.