ROLES: Karate Mistress bottom with Alanna following our instructions doing things to Karate Mistress CLOTHING: the black tube top and shorts CAMERA AND AUDIO: shoot from the side and downward so we can see concave belly as it is held in and the ribs and hip bones. GENERAL: We are seeking deep sucking in of belly. Also we seek struggle and contractions of ribs and belly along with gasping during breath control. PLASTIC WRAPPED: Karate Mistress will have mouth wrapped in plastic wrap around her head ... NO AIR IN OUR OUT OF YOUR MOUTH.
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ROLES: Karate Mistress bottom with Alanna following our instructions doing things to Karate Mistress CLOTHING: the black tube top and shorts CAMERA AND AUDIO: shoot from the side and downward so we can see concave belly as it is held in and the ribs and hip bones. GENERAL: We are seeking deep sucking in of belly. Also we seek struggle and contractions of ribs and belly along with gasping during breath control. PLASTIC WRAPPED: Karate Mistress will have mouth wrapped in plastic wrap around her head ... NO AIR IN OUR OUT OF YOUR MOUTH.
OPENING SCENE -- You can do better then that -- (1 minutes) Karate Mistress on your back, knees slightly bent, sucking your belly as far as you can ALANA SAYS “You can do better than that really suck in in further” as Karate Mistress is sucking in ALANA put your fist above Karate Mistress navel and push fist in as far as Karate Mistress can take it Karate Mistress push your belly out as far as you can like pregnant then suck it in as far as you can do this 3 times then suck in your belly the farthest you have ever done... while sucking in KM pat your belly ALANA SAYS “Now that is better”
SCENE 2 -- Two Minute Drill -- (2 minutes) Karate Mistress on your back LEGS STRAIGHT UP TO THE CEILING SO YOUR BODY IS LIKE LETTER “L” ALANA SAYS “Tighten your Abs” ALANA step one foot on Karate Mistress belly count 1001 to 1005 as you step over her with the other foot.... IMMEDIATELY turn around and step on her again 1001 to 1005 as you step over her with other foot. DO THIS 10 TIMES TOTAL ..... Karate Mistress KEEP LEGS UP STRAIGHT IN AIR AND IF YOU WILL NEED TO AS SHE STEPS OFF QUICKLY TAKE A BREATHE AND RETIGHTEN ABS BEFORE SHE STEPS ON YOU AGAIN
SCENE 3 -- ENDURANCE AND RECOVERY -- (8 minutes) Karate Mistress on your back suck in your belly as far as you can and punch yourself in the belly 3 times this tells ALANA you want more and are strong. 1. knees slightly bent: ALANA SAYS “You want more don’t you” Karate Mistress nod your head yes and take some deep breathes in and out of your nose ALANA SAYS “Tighten your ABS and HOLD YOUR BREATH” ALANA step on Karate Mistress belly both feet for 2 1/2 minutes We want to see contractions and struggles so you should hold your breathe as long as you can while ALANA is on KM belly.... BUT you can take as many breathes as needed up to 5 times ONLY take 2 breathes in and out each of the UP TO 5 times BREAK.... ALANA off Karate Mistress... Karate Mistress Catch breath for 30 seconds 2. LEGS UP STRAIGHT IN THE AIR YOUR BODY LIKE THE LETTER “L”: ALANA step on Karate Mistress belly both feet for 2 1/2 minutes and after that give her a break for 30 seconds 3. Karate Mistress Knees bent for 1.5 mind then legs up straight in air for last 1 minute: ALANA step on Karate Mistress belly both feet for 2 1/2 minutes and after that give her a break for 30 seconds
SCENE 4 -- TIME TO PUSH KM LUNGS -- (4 1/2 minutes) Karate Mistress on your back, suck in you belly as far as you can and pat your belly and feel your ribs then take some deep breathes through your nose then thumbs up telling ALANA to bring it on ALAN SAYS “You want me to bring it on” Karate Mistress nods head yes ALANA SAYS “You are strong You will set a new record” ALANA SAYS “Take a few breathes” then pinch Karate Mistress’s nose so no air in or out. We are looking for Karate Mistress to push it and get contractions and struggles. We are going 4 minutes NO AIR... Karate Mistress when you need AIR you will close your eyes and put your hand around your neck. ALANA YOU WILL UNPINCH HER NOSE FOR ONLY UP TO 3 BREATHES IN AND OUT FOR THE FIRST TWO BREAKS
SCENE 5 -- I DID IT :) -- 1 minutes) Remove plastic ALANA as we watch Karate Mistress recover for 1 minute as she sucks in belly all the way and pushes it out and her breathing recovers as she says “WOW--- I did it etc.” and her famous smile