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unbearable pain - waiting for the pill to kick
My Rating:
Runtime: 12 minutes
Category: Belly Punching
Date Added: 05/23/22, 08:12 PM


I found some food from a few days ago in my fridge and I didn't want it to go bad, so I decided to eat it. As soon as I tried the food I knew I was wrong but I kept eating. And now I'm here and I'm writhing in pain. I took the pill and I can't wait for it to hit. But the minutes go by too slowly and I am in excruciating pain. I bend over and try to warm my stomach, but it's all in vain. The pain is so much that I cry and don't know how to help myself. I moan and growl as tears stream down my face and I bend in pain. I have never experienced such intense and unbearable pain before!

unbearable pain - waiting for the pill to kick

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