My Rating:
Category: Sneezing
Runtime: 7 minutes
Date Added: 11/28/2013


(MP4 Version)

REQUEST: This one is easy, get naked, lie down and sneeze, just like the previous naked sneeze one. But this time, lots and lots of 'sneeze talk'. A typical one would be "I think I'm going to sneeze... ah... my nose is tickling... ah, ah, ah... I really need to sneeze... I can't hold it in! Gonna sneeze!" If this means less time for actual sneeze, no problem.Try to use a bunch of different terms, like...
"I have to sneeze!"
"I'm going to sneeze!"
"I need to sneeze!"
"I'm about to sneeze!"
"I feel a sneeze coming!"
All in all, say "s...

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