Mmm......should I say I'm surprise?!..I know'll be back for more! After our last time, you can't stop thinking about me! And you are going to be crazy if you have to be alone...without your goddess any longer!!! GOOD BOY!!! Now...when you are completely is the question for you:,, What are you able to give to your goddess? What are you able to do for your goddess?" Think before you say something! And if your answer will be may stay close to me for the long....long time!!! ...Ohhh......wrong, wrong...wrong!!! You should be listen!!! Look deep into my eyes and ...
Mmm......should I say I'm surprise?!..I know'll be back for more! After our last time, you can't stop thinking about me! And you are going to be crazy if you have to be alone...without your goddess any longer!!! GOOD BOY!!! Now...when you are completely is the question for you:,, What are you able to give to your goddess? What are you able to do for your goddess?" Think before you say something! And if your answer will be may stay close to me for the long....long time!!! ...Ohhh......wrong, wrong...wrong!!! You should be listen!!! Look deep into my eyes and ...